AC/DC Drive Systems
Industrial Control Systems
Productivity Reports
Manufacturing Data

Manufacturing Data Collection and Reporting

An increasingly important area for manufacturing is the collection and storage of large amounts of data relating to production.

Using SQL server and web based intranet web sites we have developed a large number of data entry web pages that are accessible on a wide range of devices from phones and tablets through to desk top computers.

In the example below the roll produced on a printing press where recorded along with any tests that needed to be recorded against that roll. A roll label was then printed and attached to the roll and the print sample.

Each web page can be built very cost effectively using modern RAD (Rapid Application Development)
tools and the data stored in Microsoft SQL server databases. Information can be integrated with the the company database by use of OLEDB or ODBC connections to provide any possible data storage and reporting requirements that cannot be met by company MRP or ERP systems.